Calling local businesses registered in the South Kesteven!
South Kesteven District Council is committed to procuring goods and services locally and invites you to join us to learn more about local authority procurement.
Every year the council spend £30 million on goods, services and work contracts.
This event will help local businesses understand how to bid for local authority contracts and understand upcoming procurement regulations, as well as learn about upcoming opportunities from senior officers.
This event is duplicated in both the North and South of the district, on the below dates and times:
Ballroom, Stamford Arts Centre, Stamford, Thursday 30th January, 10:30 - 12:30
Book your free ticket here
Ballroom, Guildhall Arts Centre, Grantham, Thursday 20th February, 14:30 - 16:30
Book your free ticket here
Please book 1 ticket per business to attend either event.
This event is organised by the Procurement and Economic Development teams at South Kesteven District Council.